Network Engineering,Data Structure

Bachlor course, University of Islamic Azad University of Zanjan, Computer Sicnce Department, 2018

Network Engineering syllabus

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree programs in computer network engineering technology cover advanced topics related to creating and operating links between computers. During bachelor’s degree programs in computer network engineering technology, professors teach students to create and service wired networks (where the computers are physically connected) and virtual networks (where there is no physical connection). Students usually complete a combination of classroom instruction and practical experience.

Students in computer network technology B.S. degree programs learn advanced methods used to create and maintain computer networks. Programs also instruct students on the theoretical concepts behind network design and the software used to store and transmit electronic information. Students often take the classes mentioned below:

Computer architecture
Database design
Computer operating systems

Data Strucure

covers analysis and design of fundamental data structures and engages learners to use data structures as tools to algorithmically design efficient computer programs that will cope with the complexity of actual applications.

The course focuses on basic and essential topics in data structures, including array-based lists, linked lists, skiplists, hash tables, recursion, binary trees, scapegoat trees, red–black trees, heaps, sorting algorithms, graphs, and binary trie.